iPhone simulator in white

You wanna be fancy and you’re tired of the good old  black iPhone Simulator while developing your brandnew app?

White iPhone Simulator

White iPhone Simulator

In this case you should look over to http://aentan.com/design/white-iphone-4-simulator/ and download the two png-Files on http://www.cl.ly/7GIA.
Place them in Mac­in­tosh HD/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/
Developer/Applications/iPhone Simulator.app/Contents/Resources.
Hint: To open iPhone Simulator.app as a folder, right-click it and choose Show Pack­age Con­tents and you’ll the the used graphics called homePressed.png and frame.png. Of course it’s a good idea to backup the original Files for the black iPhone, so can switch again if you’re fed up with the white Simulator

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